March 11, 2012

Really, Ma?

"Qin nak jadi apa bila besar nanti? Cikgu?"

Tersentak aku dengar soalan nih tengah syok syok makan. Sebab tak pernah sekali aku terfikir nak jadi cikgu.
"Erm, dietitian maybe."
"Dietitian macam takde future je."
Lagilah aku tersentak. Eh we'll see, Ma.
Memanglah Ma tak berniat nak lemahkan semangat aku. Cuma dia lebih berpengalaman dalam hidup, so yeah, she's giving her simple opinion. Somehow, I zipped my mouth sebab tersentak sangat aih. I won't give up anyway, I'll prove it, Ma. I'm just like you, don't easily despair. Words can't bring me down. Ho yeah

And that brought me to this, I've been thinking a lot lately. About future? Yes, dear. Ma, I think dietitian is good. Meme lah tak berapa nak contributing to masyarakat sangat 'cause people themselves boleh buat diet sendiri kot. But... I'll shift a paradigm to the world. Wow, huge words huh?

Well, if I were going to be busy as a bee in the future with another career like doctor, who'd give full attention to the children? Eh, anak? Ke situ pulak dia? Yes. I mean seriously weh. Nowadays, teenagers are mentally distracted much because of lack of attention from their parents. At least, if I'd be a dietitian or even nutritionist, I'll make a renewal by feeding these kids with halal and healthy food. Such as I'll create foods, their favourite food maybe nuggets and I'll put green veggies into the nuggets so kids won't know they're actually eating the green things which they hate. For example lah. This is ESSENTIAL for their health, physically and mentally.

Oh cikgu tuh.. Still on consideration. Nice guess, Ma. Teachers can escalate children's more. But I think it's the toughest job ever because it involve other people's kid. And I think I'd ask the same question over and over to the kids, "Where's your manner?" You know what I mean.

I am concerned with the next generation. I don't want them to be as far way too much with negative influences like what's already surround us now. I want them to lead this world, bringing people and friends closer to Allah. That's my biggest hope after get into Jannah. InsyaAllah. I wanna I wanna be my children's behprengg. Aww :3  Kbai

Nah, that's it. 

Work hard. Have fun. No drama.

Apakah, Syiqin? Mana aku tahu. Aku main tulis jeh work hard bagai tuh. 

K assalamualaikum. Hee